Tuesday, September 2, 2014


As you all know my name is Lexi and what you dont know is........ well it will be a suprise , but moving on from that my birthday is Febuary 25th and my new main focus will be all my intrests so look out for more posts coming soon! My cat kitty died so we only had Louie Cloudy and Apple so we decided to get anothe dog his name is Jasper he is a boarder collie mix he is only 1 year old and we got him at a humanity animal shelter. My favourite youtuber is probaly grav3yardgirl because i love her " Does This Thing Really Work" series. I will post a post every....... wait why did i say every whenever i fell like it. So if you think you would like this blog then go ahead read it , but is you dont think you will like this give it a try anyway , you cant jujde a book by it cover.

                                                                                                                           This Blogger Posting,

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

fourth of July has been great my friend will stay the night it will be a blast, hope you like the pic and have a great fourth of  July, later!

R.I.P Kitty

something very sad happend on July 1st my frist pet my first cat was the first to die, Kitty, we dont know what happend she was only 3 and a half years old she was found on the side of our porch dead we think she ate a sick bird or rat  then got poisend  and died R.I.P Kitty we love you

Friday, February 7, 2014

                     Grammys or Oscars?         I personally pick the grammys because I love music!                                                                                         So vote!!!!!!